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Interview With Soul Reader

Writer: BreaRose HealingBreaRose Healing

I have been drawn to write a book and have recently realized that I have already started. A client once shared an experience she was having that seems to mirror my own. This client shared that she wanted to change careers to something her heart was longing for. At the same time she felt frozen, unsure about how to do it all and how it was even possible. It seems that anytime we take a step towards what our soul longs for, the mind likes to share all the reasons that it is not a good idea to "leap" and follow our hearts. I have had a certain idea regarding how my "leaping" towards this book writing endeavor should go. In reality the process has been completely different from what I expected.

This morning I took another step towards the book in an unforeseen way. After my mind-quieting morning meditation practice, I knew what I wanted to do. Like most mornings, I wanted to have a cup of coffee and to write. Since I am not technologically savvy, nor am I really interested, my desktop has been a mess for years. My main screen had been covered with documents and photos I have saved (think hoarders for computers), and this morning I felt the urge to clean it up. Thank goodness for folders! I feel like my life has changed now that I have organized the screen I look at every day, "clean screen, clean mind." As I opened various documents I was intrigued to realize how much content I already have for this book. The direction of it was paved out from my previous essays. The opportunity to reflect on all of the work I have already done was a beautiful process. I felt and feel really proud of myself. I have been experiencing some self-critical thoughts around my capability to have a business and to write a book and today I got the opportunity to remind myself how very capable I am. Do you ever reflect on all that you have accomplished up until this point? It is important to remind yourself of who you are and what you're capable of. Be sure to include ALL of the wonderful parts of you, (emotional/spiritual/interpersonal in addition to material) that can be remembered by acknowledging past successes both small and large. During the pandemic I decided to start an interview series where I speak with different mystics, spiritual counselors, intuitives, energy healers etc. I wanted to share the wisdom of these teachers in a way that could be understood and supportive to everyone. I conducted a few interviews and I want to share with you one interview that appeared during my computer cleanup. It is funny how Divine timing works (Divine timing is when and how something is meant to happen versus when we believe it "should" happen.) I recorded this video two years ago but I didn't feel ready to post it publicly. I was partly fearful of acknowledging publicly that I am an intuitive, and I was unsure of how much I wanted to share about myself with others. I identify with the spiritual/mystic realm, which to me means living life from a place of love, trusting the unseen, and listening to one's own soul and person. This morning when I listened again to this interview it felt like the exact right time to publish and share it! The information in this video is wise, supportive, and joyfully inspired. Regardless of what you do or do not believe, with an open mind you can get something valuable from this interview!

I had the pleasure of speaking with R'delle Anderson, who is a Spiritual Counselor & Soul Reader and has helped me tremendously over the years through some of my darkest moments. It is a privilege and a joy to get to share her with you!

In this interview we discuss:

- Moving through life with greater ease and grace.

- Daily practices to live from your highest self and "high heart."

- A perspective and explanation of channeling and communication with "The Masters", and how loved and supported we all really are.

- Supportive wisdom and love.

- Individual belonging and importance.

- Hope for our planet.

I hope this video brings you comfort, intrigue, and hope for being on the planet during this challenging time. Take what works and leave the rest.

All my best,



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© 2024 BreaRose Healing 

DISCLAIMER: I, BreaRose Smith, am not a doctor, psychologist, or psychotherapist. I do not diagnose medical or mental health conditions. If my clients are under the age of 18, I must receive written parental consent of their treatment prior to their first session. By receiving a healing/reading, the client claims responsibility for how the information is received at said healing session. The energy healing sessions are entirely confidential.

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