Morning sunbeams on her face
The beauty of energized bliss
It’s her way
Strut in her step
Like a mama-bear grazing in the woods,
Her presence is electrifying
It’s her way
Her own map is written
Her creation, designed with precision and diligence
It’s her way
She knows
Follow her or don’t
To her it’s neither here nor there
It’s her way
She is a master of her craft
Like a tribal woman intently weaves the blanket that will warm her child,
She weaves her wisdom through the lucky souls who seek her
It’s her way
For her children,
There are no limits; no limits to her love
It’s her way
She gracefully stands to the side, allowing her children to walk their own path
She is wise enough to know it’s the only way
The only way they can return to her safe embrace
It’s her way
And she has sewn her children into the crevices of her heart
She carries them with her
It’s her way
She loves her children with a force that is stronger than a thousand soldiers at battle
She displays a love for her kin that if far more powerful than any weapon
To experience this love is all the
evidence we need
All the evidence we need to believe that our nations can solve problems without war
It’s her way
And when the evening-time strikes 9
You better know this is her time
Her time to masterfully curl into her internal cave of solace
It’s her way
Her daughter stands in her doorway
Watching her mother be content, able, whole,
Gives her hope that one day she too will feel this way
It’s her way
And her daughter stands at the doorway
Soaking up the inexplicable love
that flows between them
It’s her way
Her mother peaks over the covers to say
“hey you”
And her daughter knows it’s all going to be OK
It’s her way
