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BreaRose Smith
Sep 6, 20201 min read
This Is Your Path If You So Choose
I asked the questions Which means I wanted to know? I swear I had the best intentions. Sitting on the other side of the question Gazing...

BreaRose Smith
Sep 6, 20201 min read
Once Upon a Dream
I have always been mistaken for Briar Rose, “Like sleeping beauty” I suppose. A princess who stays asleep until kissed by her prince,...

BreaRose Smith
Aug 10, 20201 min read
Her Eyes Pierce Through Me
She sits there, steady and still Her eyes watch as she goes for the pill . Journeys never-ending and paths intertwining, Allowing herself...

BreaRose Smith
Jul 13, 20202 min read
The Island of One
There once was an island of one, Upon first look, it did not seem so fun. Life ruled by fears and anxiety, I did not fit into society. I...

BreaRose Smith
Jul 2, 20202 min read
Her Way
Morning sunbeams on her face The beauty of energized bliss It’s her way Strut in her step Like a mama-bear grazing in the woods, Her...

BreaRose Smith
Jun 2, 20201 min read
She Waits
She waits She does, she accomplishes, she creates And She waits She sees, she hears, she understands And She waits She explores, she...

BreaRose Smith
May 14, 20201 min read
What do you do then?
What do you do when life hits the fan? When shit sucks? When you feel your whole life, every fear, and the full range of your emotions...
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